Panama | Inmates at youth prison anticipate visit from pope

More than 100,000 young people are expected to show up in Panama City when Pope Francis visits from Jan. 23-27 for World Youth Day. At a detention

USA | Trump’s proposal to break budget deadlock falls flat

Senate Republicans have released a measure designed around President Donald Trump’s proposal for breaking a budget impasse, its centerpiece his demand for USD5.7 billion to build

This Day in History | 1973 – Nixon announces Vietnam peace deal

The US president, Richard Nixon, has appeared on national television to announce “peace with honour” in Vietnam. Statements issued simultaneously in Washington and Hanoi confirmed the peace

Offbeat | Half ton of fun: Cincinnati Zoo’s Fiona turning 2

Now a half ton of fun, the Cincinnati Zoo’s famed prematurely born hippo will soon turn 2 years old. The zoo says a variety of

The Buzz | Brazil’s nationalist leader to address Davos globalist crowd

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro will headline the first full day of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, with a speech to political and business leaders. The

World Briefs

JAPAN-RUSSIA Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sat down for talks yesterday with Russian President Vladimir Putin focusing on a decades-long territorial dispute between the two nations. VIETNAM

Armed with affection, octogenarian is an ‘octopus whisperer’

Wilson Menashi palmed a squid in his left hand and extended his arm into an aquarium tank, watching as a giant Pacific octopus stretched out arms

Venezuela | National guard unit puts down mutiny

Venezuela’s government said yesterday it put down a mutiny by a National Guard unit in a poor neighborhood a few kilometers from Venezuela’s presidential palace.

Greece | After violence, parliament debates deal with Macedonia

Greece’s government submitted a controversial agreement to parliament yesterday aimed at normalizing relations with neighboring Macedonia, a day after violent demonstrations against the deal erupted in Athens. The agreement

France | Macron to promote foreign investment at Versailles

French President Emmanuel Macron hosted 150 international business leaders at the Palace of Versailles yesterday in hopes of producing support for his agenda as yellow vest protesters

Middle East | Israel says its jets struck Iranian military sites in Syria

The Israeli military said its jets struck a series of Iranian military targets in Syria yesterday, an announcement that was a rare departure from Israel’s years- long policy

This Day in History | 1980 – Soviet dissident Sakharov banished

One of the Soviet Union’s most outspoken critics, nuclear physicist Dr Andrei Sakharov, has been ordered into internal exile. Officials in Moscow were angered by an interview

Offbeat | Commuter’s ‘delay scarf’ bought by German train company

Germany’s biggest rail company, under fire for its unpunctual service, is trying to mollify one disgruntled commuter by buying her “delay scarf.” Deutsche Bahn, which last week

The Buzz | Germany transfers more asylum seekers to other EU countries

The German government says that in a first, more asylum-seekers were transferred to other European Union countries than Germany took in last year. Interior Ministry spokesman Steve

World Briefs

PHILIPPINES Muslims in the southern Philippines voted yesterday in a referendum on a new autonomous region that seeks to end nearly half a century of unrest, in

History | Climactic events in 1979 shaped modern Mideast

Revolutionaries in the streets give way to black-and-white images of blindfolded American hostages. Two enemies sign a peace deal after years of hostilities. And one of the

Saudi Crown Prince shows a ‘chilling’ instability

Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman has shown “a level of instability that is chilling,” and U.S. lawmakers will take action against the crown prince for his

Mexico | Death toll reaches 79 in fuel pipeline fire horror

They were warned to stay away from the geyser of gasoline gushing from the illegally tapped pipeline in central Mexico, but Gerardo Perez says he and

Opinion | Brazil’s Bolsonaro takes a reckless gamble on guns

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro ran for office vowing to reduce the country’s epidemic of violent crime. But his decree this week making it easier to buy firearms could

This Day in History | 1966 – Future of Monte Carlo rally in doubt

The Monte Carlo rally has ended in uproar over the disqualification of the British cars expected to fill the first four places. The first four

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