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Celebrating excellence in journalism and the arts, Pulitzer Prizes to be awarded today

The Pulitzer Prizes are set to be announced today [Macau time], traditionally the most anticipated day of the year for those hoping to earn print journalism’s most prestigious honor.

Along with honoring winners and finalists in 15 journalism categories, the Pulitzer Board also recognizes distinguished work in areas including books, music and theater.

The awards, which will honor work from 2023, are scheduled to be announced via livestream at 3 p.m. Eastern time.

While forecasting potential winners is a guessing game, the Pulitzers often go to coverage of the year’s biggest stories. In this case, the Oct. 7 attack on Israel and subsequent war in Gaza is a possibility and may engender controversy.

With the Committee to Protect Journalists estimating at least 97 journalists and media workers have been killed in Gaza, many observers will be interested to see if the Pulitzers recognize work by Palestinian reporters. 

The prizes are administered by Columbia University in New York, which itself has been in the news for student demonstrations against the war in Gaza. The Pulitzer board met away from Columbia this past weekend to deliberate on its winners.

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