
Chinese ambassador says Australian lawmakers who visit Taiwan utilized by separatists

China’s Ambassador to Australia, Xiao Qian

China’s ambassador to Australia yesterday criticized Australian politicians who visit Taiwan, saying they are being utilized by separatists on the self-governing island.

Ambassador Xiao Qian was commenting in Sydney after an Australian parliamentary delegation visited Taiwan this week, and as a former prime minister plans to deliver a speech in Taipei next month. Taiwan is part of China’s territory.

Xiao said Australian parliamentarians and former prime ministers who visit Taiwan “carry political significance.”

“It might be easily utilized by the political forces in Taiwan for their independent forces movement, for their secession movement, and I don’t want to see that happen,” Xiao told reporters.

“I hope they will stick to the ‘one-China policy’ in words and indeed, refrain from engaging with Taiwan in whichever form or capacity so that they will not be politically utilized by people in the island with political motives,” Xiao said.

The “one-China policy” holds that the Communist Party is the government of China and Taiwan is a part of the country.

The Chinese government on Wednesday accused Taiwan’s governing party of seeking independence, a day after Tsai Ing-wen lobbied for Australia’s support in joining a regional trade pact during a meeting with six visiting Australian lawmakers.

Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison plans to speak at the Yushan Forum in Taipei from Oct. 11 to 12, which focuses on Taiwan’s cooperation with neighboring countries.

Australia’s relationship with China plummeted under Morrison’s four-year rule.


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