The Chief Executive (CE), Chui Sai On, met with 11 out of 19 lawmakers who had previously addressed the Pearl Horizon development in a letter to the CE.
The meeting, held on Saturday at the government headquarters, aimed to facilitate an exchange of views on possible solutions, as well as “analyze the complexities of the situation and difficulties that might arise from it,” a statement from the Government Information Bureau said.
During the meeting, Chui said several authorities have devoted themselves to examining viable and appropriate solutions to the matter, which includes granting the rights and interests of the buyers who have acquired units in pre-sale.
Chui reaffirmed that the government would solve the matter “in a balanced manner and taking into account several principles; namely, compliance with the law, respect for the rule of law, consideration of general interests and the degree of acceptance of society.”
The proceedings concerning the declaration of forfeiture of the concession of the Pearl Horizon land plot are currently pending in the Court of Second Instance. Several high-ranking government officials have stated that the government will await a court ruling on the case.
In the abovementioned letter delivered to the CE, the lawmakers expressed the opinion that the Pearl Horizon case can be resolved without reviewing the Land Law. They have submitted several proposals for resolution to the government for an assessment of feasibility.
During the meeting, the lawmakers said that they “hope, through this meeting, to find a solution to the case within the current legal framework.”
The CE highlighted the complexity of the case and its consequences, thanking the legislators for their help in finding a solution.
He also noted that he is aware of and acknowledges the public’s interest in the case, stating once again that “the government will try to solve the case in a balanced manner between the general interests of society and of the legal rights of the buyers.”
The CE added that Secretary Sónia Chan will keep in close contact with both the lawmakers and the juridical team responsible for analyzing the lawmakers’ proposals. RM
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