Teenagers in Macau getting the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine will get two doses, in contrast to the one dose being administered in Hong Kong, Dr Leong Iek Hou, coordinator for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said yesterday.
The University of Hong Kong has found linkage between post-jab Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy and the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine, prompting the Hong Kong authorities to change tactics and administer only one dose of the vaccine to recipients aged between 12 and 17.
Leong stressed that there is not enough data to support this practice, adding that data showed protection from the first dose is 75% and the second offers 100% protection. Citing other data, she said that with only one dose of the mRNA vaccine, protection against the Delta variant may only reach 40%.
On the matter of taking blood pressure measurement before vaccination, Dr Tai Wa Hou, medical director of the public Conde de São Januário Hospital, stressed that the evaluation on suitability for the vaccine focuses on two areas: contradictions and existing medical conditions. Tai suggested that taking blood pressure measurement is not crucial, although it was previously a mandatory pre-jab question.
Some individuals have been barred from vaccination when their blood pressure was higher than the acceptable level.
Tai was asked what would happen if jab recipients were not aware of allergies. First, Tai said that allergy to vaccine ingredients is rare in Chinese populations. He added that the assessment for allergy relies on the recipient’s previous vaccine allergy history.
“When we have uncertainty, we’ll need further evaluation by specialist doctors, especially dermatologists,” Tai said.
Symptoms of such significant allergy include severe acute hives, swollen larynx and difficulty breathing. “When it happens, it can kill within a short time,” Tai said.
He explained that is why the Health Bureau (SSM) requires all recipients to remain at the vicinity for observation for half an hour after the jab.
609 vaccine waiver or
deferment notes issued
Tai disclosed that as of 4 p.m. yesterday, the SSM has issued 609 certificates that indicate ineligibility – whether temporary or permanent – for the Covid-19 vaccines. Of which, he added, 190 were issued on the grounds of pregnancy.
The SSM announced a new guideline to require all working population to either get vaccinated or obtain a negative SARS-CoV-2 result at least every seven days. Only individuals who do not need to interact physically with others will have this requirement waived.
Seen by many internet users as vaccination-boosting tactic, the new guideline has doubled recent vaccination bookings citywide.
Despite the issuance of deferment certification to 190 mothers-to-be, Leong cited international data to support vaccination for breastfeeding mothers. “Similar to other vaccines, vaccine-triggered antibodies will be transmitted through milk to the infants,” Leong added.
Referring to the administration manual of the two types of vaccines, Leong said that BioNTech confirms the compatibility for breastfeeding mothers. Meanwhile, SinoPharm confirms its compatibility for individuals with higher risks of infection.
Therefore, she said that breastfeeding mothers have the freedom to choose either type.
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