Crime | Men arrested for buying and pimping underage sex

Two men have been separately arrested for allegedly buying and controlling underage sex services, the Judiciary Police (PJ) announced yesterday.
Surnamed Fan, the individual who is accused of buying sex is 43 years old from mainland China. He was charged with engaging in sexual services from a minor.
In mid-July, the PJ busted a case of procuring minors, and buying sexual services from minors. The procurer, two sex workers, aged 17 and 19 years, as well as two sex buyers were apprehended.
In this case, business cards and condoms were found and seized by the police.
Further investigations led to the discovery of other buyers of sexual services, among them, Fan. From viewing hotel surveillance camera footage, the police observed that the 17-year-old sex worker spent 25 minutes in a hotel room rented by Fan, leading to the suspicion that the two were having sex in the room.
When the police discovered this, Fan had already left Macau.
On August 20, when he was trying to reenter Macau at the Border Gate, he was stopped and arrested by the authorities. The PJ disclosed that Fan declined to cooperate during interrogations.

Woman loses RMB65,000 in sham online romance

A divorced woman, aged 49, has fallen victim to a sham online romance, losing nearly 65,000 Chinese yuan to a supposed boat engineer. The PJ disclosed that investigations are ongoing and nobody has been apprehended at this time.
According to the PJ, on June 1, the woman began speaking with a man who introduced himself and said that he was a boat engineer. The two developed a relationship that led the woman to consider it a romance.
The man subsequently claimed that he would retire in July and relocate to mainland China. He promised the woman that he would visit Macau and marry her.
Days later, the man claimed that he was on a boat berthed on the coast of the western Indian Ocean. He told the woman that he feared his valuable belongings would be robbed by pirates and that he wanted to send them to Macau.
He then asked the woman to wire 16,400 yuan to him as shipment fee, which she did. Later, an individual claiming to be a courier worker asked for 48,000 yuan for customs clearance in Malaysia, as the parcel contained a large sum of money. She also paid this sum.
The woman was later asked to pay 160,000 yuan to save her supposed paramour from being arrested on allegations of conducting illicit activities. She discussed the matter with a friend because she did not have sufficient funds, and her friend told her that she might have been scammed. She then approached the PJ for help.

Sexagenarian man slaps pharmacy staff

A 61-year-old man slapped a pharmacy staff member and pushed her to the ground when she asked him for a health code upon entry. He then fled the pharmacy via Avenida do Colonel Mesquita when the staff member called the police, the Public Security Police Force announced yesterday.
Surnamed Brito, the suspect was arrested by the police on August 20 on Avenida de Horta e Costa.
On that day, the police attempted to approach him at his residence on the same road but nobody answered the doorbell. They thus waited nearby and intercepted the suspect when he appeared.

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