
Dehua porcelain exhibition celebrates cultural exchange

The “Beauty of Perfect White – Masterpieces of Blanc de Chine” Porcelain from Dehua Exhibition opened yesterday at Artyzen Grand Lapa, showcasing the rich history and artistry of Dehua’s renowned white porcelain. The event, hosted by the Dehua County People’s Government, marks the 25th anniversary of Macau’s return to China and highlights the cultural ties between the two regions.

Hong Yangxing, the Deputy County Mayor of Dehua County People’s Government, expressed his delight in being in Macau for the occasion.

“I am very happy to be here in beautiful Macau to inaugurate the 100th anniversary of the Chinese National Gallery,” he said. “Dehua’s white porcelain is famous all over the world because of its color, and its carving skills are also outstanding.”

Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, the director of the Macau Government Tourism Office, echoed the sentiment, noting Macau’s longstanding relationship with Dehua.

“Dehua is a thousand-year-old ancient county. It is a world-famous porcelain system. For thousands of years, our Dehua’s porcelain has been passed down through our Sea Stone Road,” she said.

The exhibition features a diverse range of Dehua porcelain, including pottery sculptures, export craft porcelain, and daily pottery porcelain. Porcelain artist Li Zhang Gao, who has works on display, remarked on the exhibition’s ability to integrate Macau’s culture with his own.

“We want to know more about the local culture, and how it interacts with other cultures,” he said.

For the organizers, the event not only showcases the exceptional craftsmanship of Dehua’s porcelain but also serves as a platform for fostering closer ties between the two regions.

Rutger Verschuren, Area vice president of Macau Operations for Artyzen Hospitality Group, remarked, “We just launched the exhibition at our Amagao Art Gallery last week, featuring Portuguese ceramics, and as we opened today the delicate porcelain artwork exhibit from Dehua, Fujian, we bring this form of art to the highest level.”

Hundreds of years ago, the porcelain from Dehua was shipped to Europe via Macau, hence the name Blanc de Chine. For the executive, “This is another historical proof that Macau is a genuine bridge between the East and West cultures.”

Questioned by the Times on whether the exhibition can enhance the local art scene, Verschuren said that the “exhibit of exquisite art pieces will surely promote Macau as a hub for arts and culture.”

“We all note that integrated resorts put a lot of effort into non-gaming elements, which is admirable. However, the Dehua exhibition shows that not only integrated resorts can create art exhibitions, but also non-gaming venues in the peninsula where Macau’s historical art hubs are located, such as Artyzen Grand Lapa, are very much able to do so too with a lot of passion and effort,” he added. Staff Reporter

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