Mio Pang Fei,” a documentary directed by Macau resident Pedro Cardeira, has been selected to enter the Portuguese Doclisboa Film Festival 2014 competition.
The documentary features the life and work of the Macau-based artist and was directed by Pedro Cardeira, co-founder of the Inner Harbour Films Production Company. The film was funded by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and sponsored by Albergue SCM and the Rui Cunha Foundation, Inner Harbour Films said in a press release.
Mio Pang Fei was born in Shanghai in the 1930s, and had the opportunity to witness major social, political and cultural changes in China. “Early in his career, he became interested in contemporary western art, moving away from social realism,” Inner Harbour Films recalled. He would later be forced to abandon western trends during the Cultural Revolution, devoting himself to the then culturally accepted art.
Mio Pang Fei settled in Macau during the 1980s, later traveling to Europe to personally observe the essence of Western modern painting. “Mio Pang Fei has gained widespread recognition, and is now one of the most renowned artists in Macau and an important reference in Chinese Contemporary Arts,” said Inner Harbour Films.
The production company added that the documentary’s screening at Doclisboa is an opportunity, not only to celebrate the work and life of Mio Pang Fei, but also to promote the strength of Macau’s culture and art overseas.
A public screening will also be held in Macau on a date yet to be confirmed.
Doclisboa takes place in Lisbon between October 16 and 26.
Documentary on Mio Pang Fei featured at Doclisboa film festival
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