Domestic violence cases tally 39 in 2022

Suspected domestic violence cases in 2022 stood at 39, of which 19 were domestic violence spouse cases, 16 involved children and three involved elders.

Data from the Women and Children’s Affairs Committee shows that the average monthly number of suspected domestic violence cases was 3.3 cases, which is a significant drop from 2021.

In 2021, the city recorded an aggregate tally of 81 registered suspected cases of domestic violence, which was an increase of 43 cases compared to 2020.

The committee members, at their first meeting this year, reported that the committee’s research of the “Macau Women’s Current Situation Report 2022” carried out investigations into four aspects: gender equality status, employment status and social participation, family status, health and physical and mental status. 

With regard to gender gap indicators at world level and gender inequality indicators, “Macau is far ahead of several countries and regions in Asia.”

General conclusions will be published at a later date, according to the committee.

In March this year, The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) has expressed concerns over the city’s inadequate protection against domestic violence and high rate of reports.

The committee said it was “concerned that the law on preventing and combating domestic violence does not cover same-sex couples, and about reports of its insufficient implementation in the context of a relatively high reporting rate with conversely proportionate low investigation and low prosecution rate.”  Staff Reporter

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