Education | Schools set up group for gender equality

Ten local universities and colleges have recently set up a joint group in order to formulate a set of guidelines for gender equality and the prevention of sexual harassment.
The Tertiary Education Services Office (GAES), who coordinated the work group’s establishment, said the group intends to improve gender equality policies and mechanisms within local tertiary education institutions, where the participating schools can strengthen their policies through joint discussions and formulate guidelines that can be used as a reference for schools’ constant reviews and enhancements of their own policies.
A preparation meeting has been held between the participating schools, including the University of Macau, the Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, Academy of Public Security Forces, Macau University of Science and Technology, City University of Macau, University of Saint Joseph, and the Kiang Wu Nursing College.
During the meeting, each institution introduced their institution and shared their mechanisms for handling sexual harassment and gender inequality complaints. All the representatives agreed that the work group’s first priority is to jointly explore the definitions of sexual harassment and gender equality, partially by referring to the practice of neighbouring regions.

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