Elections 2021 | CAEAL disqualifies some voters in representation of associations

The Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Commission (CAEAL) has published the list of those who are legally recognized as voters in the representation of associations and groups in the September 12 elections for the Legislative Assembly (AL).
According to a statement from CAEAL, several voters have been temporarily disqualified due to irregularities and will have until August 18 to appeal the decision.
The CAEAL did not explicitly state the reasons which led to the exclusion of some voters from the lists, but did note that according to the rules, “each voter cannot represent more than one legal person [and as such,] anyone who has signed more than one Declaration of Acceptance of Voting Rights in the Indirect Suffrage in Representation of a Legal Person cannot represent any of the entities in the voting.” The commission explained that in such cases these people are disqualified.
Additionally, the CAEAL reiterated that, in order to vote, group representatives must collect their voting credentials by September 10.
The lists have been published in the lobby of the Public Administration Building at Rua do Campo last Friday, although the building has been closed to the public for cleaning and disinfection after it was identified as site visited by one of the recent Covid-19 cases before their infection was detected. RM

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