Financial Secretary rejects claims of Suncity bringing woes

The public view that the closure of Suncity will bring trouble to the city’s gambling industry was dismissed by Secretary for Economy and Finance, Lei Wai Nong, yesterday.

After several days’ absence from the public, the financial official was interviewed on the sidelines of a public advisory body meeting yesterday.

He declined to comment on the event, citing the fact that the matter is now subject to judicial proceedings. Moreover, he refused to agree with the claim that the matter is bringing pain to the city, adding that it is normal to experience bumps during economic revivals.

Discussing the follow-up to the matter, Lei stressed that the Labor Affairs Bureau (DSAL) had set up dedicated counters to serve individuals affected by the closure of the junket company.

The junket company recently announced its closure as funds were frozen due to ongoing judicial proceedings.

The arrest of Suncity Group boss, Alvin Chau, by local police has had several follow-on effects. Several other junket operators have decided to close, suspend or cease operations at several casinos.

However, Lei said that the serial closure of these junkets’ operations will not impact the employees of concessionaires; those who are employed by the junkets will be handled by the DSAL.

Lei was asked whether the government’s previous outlook on next year’s gambling revenue of MOP130 billion is still correct.

In response, the official resorted to his style of rhetorical quips, and asked the press: “If the public is not confident, how can they achieve a revival?”

He was asked again how many licenses should be expected after renewal. He reiterated that the information will be released in due course, adding that the law needs refinement to cope with the current global circumstances.

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