Gambling watchdog refrains from commenting on MJC saga

The local gambling inspection agency has refrained from commenting on the speculated closure of the Macau Jockey Club (MJC), an agency spokesperson said in reply to the Times.

Last Friday, the Times published a report on the matter, citing an anonymous source. An inquiry was made to the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ) to which a reply was received late in the evening on Saturday.

Besides not commenting on the matter, the spokesperson highlighted that the bureau would “continue to conduct a variety of supervisory work in accordance with laws and regulations related to gambling and the concession contract concerning horse-racing.”

In the past few weeks or so, comments that the MJC may cease operation have gone viral both online and offline. Some information claimed that the MJC operators, among whom lawmaker Angela Leong, have not fulfilled their promises concerning product diversification made in the concession contract.

In response, the DICJ underlined that the Macau government extended the MJC’s horse-racing concession to Aug. 31, 2042. Amendments have been made in the concession contract at the time of the extension, suggesting that changes from the old requirements do exist.

In last week’s report, the anonymous insider claimed that a batch of 30 horses that was set to arrive in Macau were banned from import. They doubt whether the coming season will last beyond December this year.

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