The Buzz

German foreign minister urges caution in China relationship

Germany must avoid repeating with China the mistakes that it made in its relationship with Russia over recent years, the German foreign minister said yesterday.

Annalena Baerbock said Germany must face up to a “competition of systems” between countries “that believe in international law and cooperation and authoritarian regimes.”

“We must first of all learn from the mistakes of our Russia policy of recent decades,” Baerbock said at a foreign policy forum in Berlin organized by the Koerber Foundation think tank. “I say very clearly that one-sided economic dependence exposes us to political blackmail.”

“As far as Russia is concerned, that’s spilt milk now,” Baerbock said, acknowledging that Germany ignored warnings from eastern European partners about its dependence on Russian energy. “We must ensure that we don’t make such a mistake again, and that means that we will have to take account of this more strongly in our policy toward China.”

She noted that a “national security strategy” being drawn up by Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government will include a German China strategy, which will be embedded in a European Union strategy.

German companies have invested heavily in China in recent years, and China is one of Germany’s biggest trading partners.

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