Gov’t aims to collect more opinions ahead of Policy Address

The government has announced that in preparation for the 2019 Policy Address, it will be collecting opinions from citizens until October 25, the Office of the government’s spokesperson announced in a statement.

According to the statement, the initiative follows “positive results obtained last year with the gathering of opinions,” and aims to offer more options for residents to express their opinions this year, “in order to stimulate the attention of the whole society on the development of Macau.”
In the statement, the government adds that, “The active participation with views and suggestions by the population about government’s policy will allow the government to listen in a wider manner to the voices of the different sectors, in order to achieve the consensus of  society on significant topics to promote the sustainable development of the economy, quality of life of the population and local social and economic stability.”

In order to facilitate the collection of opinions, the Office of the Chief Executive has launched a microsite on its official webpage ( as well as in the mobile phone application, “where the public can present their views and opinions.”
Opinions can also be presented by more traditional methods such as phone lines or the post service.

This year, the government has also created promotional materials such as videos and public messages to be broadcast via TV, radio, newspapers and social networks, aiming to increase public interest and stimulate participation. RM

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