Gov’t formulates protection plan for historic centers

The Macau government has formulated a protection and management plan for historic centers to safeguard heritage sites, which will take effect Jun. 1.

Administrative regulations in an Executive Council announcement have identified 11 “visual corridors,” 19 “picturesque streets” and 24 “urban fabric” zones, and have proposed  guiding principles.

These zones have restrictive construction regulations in place to preserve existing heritage sites.

To ensure Macau’s economic development does not significantly impact these heritage sites, guiding principles will be implemented.

These principles have been developed through two rounds of public consultation in 2014 and 2018, as well as consultations between the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the World Heritage Center, Executive Council spokesperson André Cheong said.

Additionally, the regulations include provisions on current use, the use of municipal equipment, afforestation, transport and other aspects.

These provisions aim to ensure tourists enjoy authentic experiences when frequenting Macau’s historic centers, according to Cheong.

The goal is to safeguard Macau’s popular tourist sites, such as Senado Square and A-Ma Temple, in a way that does not hinder Macau’s overall development. Staff Reporter

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