Gov’t proposes Bill to improve teaching staff benefits


The government has drafted a bill to amend an existing law regulating public teaching staff and activities. It has been reviewed by the Executive Council and will be sent to the Legislative Assembly. The government is striving to get it promulgated in September 2022. The bill focuses on decreasing normal teaching hours, so that teaching staff can care for other, non-academic needs of students. It also proposes stipulating non-teaching missions and establishing a basic foundation for teaching evaluation. Another possible change is that public teaching staff, when getting leaves of absence, medical leave hours or compassionate hours, will be required to compensate their hours of absence for the benefits of students.

Over 10,000 students participate in foreign affairs contest

Over 10,000 secondary school students have participated in a contest assessing knowledge of foreign affairs. Organized by the Macau SAR government and the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the contest aims to deepen Macau students’ knowledge about the country’s development, foreign affairs and international relations. In total, eight teams stood out among 35 participating schools. The winning team will visit major mainland cities and participate in the press conference of the foreign affairs office as a means of learning about the country’s foreign affairs.

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