HK-Macau Visual Art Biennale concluded in Beijing


The “2016 Hong Kong-Macau Visual Art Biennale” recently finished its run at the Beijing Minsheng Art Museum. It is the fifth edition of the event, which launched in 2008.
The theme of the Biennale is “Interactive Times”. The event introduces works of art and design from mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong.
In this edition, Macau’s exhibition space has been dedicated to the theme of “Macau Good Design” and features a total of 16 art pieces in four categories: Graphic Design, Animation, Video Design and 3D Mapping..
A sharing session with the artists was held on the launch day. Nearly 20 curators and artists from the three regions were invited to share their creative experiences and discuss each region’s arts scene.
The exhibition ended in Beijing on September 9, and will travel to Dunhuang in Gansu Province as part of the “Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo” from September 20 to October 8, before moving to the Henan Art Museum in Zhengzhou between October 19 and 30.

Categories Macau