The event called “Inclusive, healthy and sustainable lifestyle on World Earth Day,” was successfully hosted by Macau IC2 Association (IC2), a non-profit organization founded by people with disabilities, yesterday at Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau.
The event was held yesterday to coincide with World Earth Day. It was designed to promote a sustainable lifestyle and equal participation for people with disabilities.
Yesterday’s celebration culminated in a tree planting ceremony. It is a ritual passed down from IC2’s long-term partner China Shenmo Star River Public Welfare Alliance (Shenmo), a mainland alliance established in Beijing 23 years ago and dedicated to offering support to people with disabilities.
Joe Chan, vice chairman of Macau Green Future, a local organization upholding green lifestyles, was the man behind the tree planting yesterday.
Tapping into his extensive planting knowledge, Chan picked a species of plant with lifespan of around 300 years named Podocarpus Macrophyllus to be planted in the Garden at Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau.
“It is a humble plant, not eye-catching in appearance, but one that has so much potential and strength within. It bears this characteristic that resonates so much with IC2 members,” Chan said.
The event was organized by a total of eight members of IC2, who either have autism or intellectual disabilities, alongside Ada Lo, a well-known figure in Macau recognized for her long-time advocacy for the rights of people with disabilities.
Lo told the Times that people with intellectual disabilities are always being stereotyped and underestimated. They can achieve big feats that no one thought they could. This event is an exemplary opportunity to prove their capabilities.
Rutger Verschuren, general manager of Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau, told the Times that he is pleased Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau participated in the event, helping promote both sustainability and inclusiveness.
Verschuren said he was amazed by the members of IC2, who are rookies in event management. He admired their ability to pull off such a massive event in spite of their inexperience and disabilities, with “so many elements going on within just two hours.”
During the event, Macao Dragon Sport Association’s athletes were invited to demonstrate pickleball games to instill extra excitement to the day. Members of Shenmo also attended the event.
Macau Daily Times is the official media partner of the event
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