Local fashion and makeup artists nominated for Fashion Asia Awards

Erica Lam (left) and Felix Ferreira

Erica Lam (left) and Felix Ferreira

A group of thirteen fashion industry artists from Macau have been nominated for the upcoming Fashion Asia Awards (AFMA) 2014, to be held on November 5 in Chongqing, China. Last year, Macau-born makeup artist Felix Ferreira was awarded the Asian Top Fashion Makeup Artist of the Year, and has since been appointed national director of AFMA. This has allowed him to select high-calibre artists from both Macau and Hong Kong, where he now lives.
“We have 13 nominees for Macau in 16 different categories. I think this is an opportunity for them to showcase their work, and [it] brings them more business opportunities, since the award ceremony is screened by many TV stations in China,” said the makeup artist.
The awards feature fashion designers from the Asia-Pacific region, including China, Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines. Last year’s award made a significant difference in Felix Ferreira’s professional life, he said.
Felix Ferreira was born in Macau but moved to neighboring Hong Kong a few years ago. While the makeup art industry has flourished in Hong Kong, Macau is still trying to achieve higher recognition.
Erica Lam, a Hong Kong makeup artist living in Macau, is among those who are to be nominated for the Fashion Asia Awards this year. She said that awareness about makeup artistry is yet to develop here, as some still see it as a job, instead of as an artform. “Many people still don’t respect our profession. They see us as mere cosmetic sellers, they can’t see us as artists,” she recalled.
She added that makeup artists in Macau dream of the day when a professional market is available, while also hoping to be seen above all as artists. “There’s a need to change the image of Macau’s makeup artists,” she said.
Given that a whole new wave of resorts took shape after Macau’s handover to China, Erica Lam stressed how they’ve brought more entertainment to the city, making it “more cosmopolitan.” In that sense, she said, it was interesting to see how stage makeup has evolved here.
Although considering that the mainland has a large market for makeup artists, Erica Lam also added that there is still a need to educate people about this skill. “They don’t have a comprehensive knowledge of makeup art. So how do you sell your product? Once they realize what makeup is all about, it will be different,” she assured.
Felix Ferreira said it would make a difference to bring in professional trainers “to brighten up the air” and organize activities and workshops. As more fashion magazines emerge, the market is also slowly building itself, he added.
The Fashion Asia Awards, through which Felix Ferreira won the Asian Top Fashion Makeup Artist prize last year, have played a significant role in his business and allowing him to further his career, he assured. Felix said that a considerable volume of business allowed him to evolve as makeup artist in both Hong Kong and Macau. “After getting the award, I really had to look for a manager, as I was approached many times [by companies] providing me with more business opportunities,” he recalled.
Felix started his career as a fashion designer. He used to organize annual fashion shows and started helping models with their makeup. He did some freelance work as a makeup artist for a fashion magazine in Hong Kong, and worked as an image director in TDM, too. Erica Lam moved to Macau after getting married 10 years ago, and works as a makeup artist mainly for Hong Kong customers.
Macau artists have been nominated in 16 categories, including the best fashion singer award, the best fashion tourist attraction, the best Asian makeup artist, and the best fashion TV movie awards, among others.

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