The local government remains optimistic on the resumption of mainland group tours to Macau amid the discovery of four Covid-19 cases yesterday, according to SSM director and pulmonologist Alvis Lo.
In a press conference yesterday, he was questioned about whether the outbreak will affect the plan to resume mainland group tours to Macau, to which he said the forecast should still be bright judging from the effects of control measures as well as the scale, source and transmission route of infections
On the other hand, public relations official Lau Fong Chi at the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) said that the notice on resumption of excursions is still pending from the mainland government. Announcements will be made in due course, she added.
Lo also recapped his comments on the relapse of infections made near the end of the June 18 outbreak. He confirmed yesterday that the public should not be overly worried about relapsing infections or outbreaks.
He highlighted that relapses will be inevitable and may even occur after mainland excursions resume.
Over the last several days, social media users have commented that the source of public worry is not Covid-19. Rather, it is the government’s policies and measures that cause such anxieties.
Lo was also asked if the Grand Prix, which will happen on the third weekend of November, will be affected. He said that each decision will be made on a case-by-case basis.