Main trade union hopes upgraded Canidrome helps physical education

Trade unionist Lam Lon Wai has applauded the government’s plan to revamp the former Canidrome, and hopes it will help upgrade physical education in nearby schools.

Speaking on behalf of the Macao Federation of Trade Unions (FAOM) in a statement, Lam, who is also lawmaker in the indirect election constituency, expressed his recognition of the government’s plan to transform the ground into a comprehensive sporting zone.

The vice principal at Lou Hau High School, Lam thinks the upgraded ground will help improve the per-person sporting and leisure needs in the Northern district, adding that with numerous schools in the district, the upgraded facilities are expected to support these schools in physical education.

Lou Hau High School is situated several blocks away from the former Canidrome.

The vice principal has suggested that the sports facilities in the former Canidrome can be allotted for use by nearby schools during school hours, “so that the facilities can be well utilized during non-peak hours, in order to achieve shared resources.”

He admitted that although some schools in the Northern district will be relocated to New Urban Zone A, many schools will be retained, and the construction and relocation will take time.

Lam also made suggestions about traffic. He said that future vehicles and pedestrian traffic – should be planned as there will be influx of users during and after reconstruction. Noise is also a foreseeable problem as there are a lot of residences and schools nearby.

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