MUST students win national tourism innovation competition


A team from the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management of the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) has won a first-tier award in a national tourism innovation competition.

Announcing the news in a statement, the MUST highlighted that the Tourism Innovation Competition saw nearly 3,000 contestants from forerunner institutions in the country, such as Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University and Nankai University.

The team from MUST is the only first-tier awardee in the metaverse and cultural tourism campaign planning channel. The team had placed above 566 other teams from across the country to compete in the National Finale, where it won against12 other teams.

The MUST team based their project on Wuzhi Mountain – Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, and integrated metaverse with traditional rainforest camping. The tourism experience targeted Generation Z, or university students, as the main target audience.

“This winning project of the MUST fully grasps the context of local tourism resources and the technical characteristics of the Metaverse,” the university highlighted.

Held in Hainan, the competition complied with President Xi Jinping’s direction on the acceleration of construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics and world influence. AL

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