The president of the Macau Lawyers Association (AAM) Jorge Neto Valente was yesterday restored to the helm of the Association for another two years in an election that, although undisputed, was announced by the president and confirmed by officials to be “the most participated election ever.”
A total of 256 association members casted their vote both the Board of the Association and for the Superior Council of Macau Lawyers (CSA).
In the first, Neto Valente gathered a total of 242 votes, while lawyer Frederico Rato was elected to the CSA with 246 votes.
The remaining votes were voided due to irregularities in the voting procedure.
In this way Neto Valente and Rato will head the most influential bodies in Macau’s lawyer profession for the next two years.
This election saw potential challenger Sérgio de Almeida Correia announce his intention to contest the position, but his list was not formalized prior to the candidacy submission deadline, leading Neto Valente to run unoposed once again. RM
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