Offbeat | Malnourished dog adopted after walking into home amid storm

A malnourished dog that wandered into a Philadelphia home during a storm has been adopted.
Sports podcast host Jack Jokinen said his wife found the dog when she went to grab a pacifier for their baby at 4 a.m. Saturday. She woke Jokinen up, and he rushed downstairs, where all the doors and windows were closed.
After watching surveillance footage of his home, Jokinen figured out that the wind had blown his front door wide open for several hours, he said in a video he posted on Twitter.
The surveillance footage showed a dog limp through the door at about 3:15 a.m. About 30 minutes later, a man walked up, yelled to check on everyone in the house and shut the door.
Jokinen took the dog, who is now named Suzy, to the vet where he learned that she had fleas, ticks and a heart murmur among other ailments.
“We didn’t expect it but of all the bad things that could happen when your front door is left open — to end up with a sweet dog who just needs a good home,” Jokinen said. “I mean wow this could have gone a lot worse.”

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