Police call for witnesses in fatal car-motorbike accident

Witnesses of a fatal traffic accident that occurred late Mar. 22 are encouraged to come forward, the Public Security Police Force (PSP) has said in a statement.

The accident took place at about 11:32pm on said date at Rotunda do Estádio in Taipa. The motor car involved was driving in the roundabout and crashed into a motorcycle at the intersection with Avenida Olímpica. The two riders on the motorcycle were severely injured and were immediately taken to the hospital. One rider was found in a coma at the scene. The driver of the motorcycle was pronounced dead yesterday morning.

The victim who passed away was 21 years old and the injured passenger is 22. They are both Filipino Macau residents.

Meanwhile, the driver of the motor car, which bears the logo of a ‘fetching’ company, passed an on-site breathalyzer test and suffered minor injuries, but declined to be taken to the hospital.

The motor car had no passenger.

‘Fetching’ companies provide pick-up and transport services to persons after they have been out clubbing or to people after they have consumed alcohol.

As per pictures released, the motor car went atop a concrete road separator at the scene. The windshield was cracked and its front was badly damaged.

The PSP encourage witnesses to provide information on the accident via the phone number 2837 4214. AL

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