Portugal | New president Marcelo wants prudence, growth after crisis

Marcelo Rebelo de SousaMarcelo Rebelo de Sousa has been sworn in as Portugal’s new president, making an appeal for prudent government spending after a recent financial crisis as well as a new focus on generating growth and jobs.
The veteran center-right politician and law professor who became a popular television personality takes over a largely figurehead post with no executive power, but one that can carry a political punch when the head of state speaks out.
Rebelo de Sousa, who won a January election, swore to uphold the Portuguese Constitution in a ceremony at Parliament yesterday.
He said in a speech that Portugal needs to heal the political and social wounds left by the sacrifices made after Portugal’s 78 billion-euro (USD85.5 billion) bailout in 2011 and give people a reason for hope. AP

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