Raymond Tam to head DSPA

coluna-Raymond-TamRaymond Tam Vai Man, the former head of Civil and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM), has been appointed to head the Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA). According to a statement issued yesterday by the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, a notice of the appointment will be published soon in the Official Gazette. Tam was put under trial and found not guilty after being accused of involvement in the irregular granting of cemetery grave plots.

MTEL to cover 70pct of the city’s network

MTEL Telecommunication Company Ltd, recently announced that it expects to reach 70 percent of the network coverage of Macau by the end of 2016, MTEL, Journal Va Kio reported. The fixed line operator’s chairman Michael Choi stated that the company has been transmitting data to some governmental departments, organizations and residential buildings.

coluna-_DST0123022016MSAR promotes business tourism in Australia

The Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) participated this week in the Asia-Pacific Incentives and Meetings Expo 2016 (AIME 2016) in Melbourne. According to a statement, MGTO is striving to diversify the scope of Macau tourism to cater to different tourist markets. Through various tourism incentive schemes, MGTO hopes to encourage more visitors, organizations and enterprises to choose Macau as a destination of choice for weddings and student tours, among other events.

Talk on film festivals

The Cinematheque Passion is hosting its second talk this year, titled “How film festivals are organized.” Conducted by Hong Kong filmmaker Jonathan Hung, the event will be held tomorrow from 3 to 5 p.m.

Categories Macau