Real Estate Matters | The Definitive Guide For Tenants Part 5 – Ongoing Living & Termination

Juliet Risdon

Juliet Risdon

The Definitive Guide For Tenants
The Yearly Guide For Renting A Home

Welcome to the final part of the five part series on the rental process for tenants. This final installment is called “Ongoing Living and Termination”.
Once you have spent the first few weeks in your new apartment and are nicely settled, it is important to ensure that you take responsibility for the ongoing upkeep and condition of the apartment.
Whilst the landlord is responsible for structural issues, you can check your contract for who is responsible for minor maintenance issues.
There are really only 4 key areas for a tenant to focus on

  • Keep it Clean
  • Keep it Dry
  • Take care of the apartment
  • Pay your bills

Keep it clean
This will minimize the chance of having an insect infestation such as beetles or cockroaches.
To help with this you should keep all food stuffs in tightly sealed containers.
Keeping the place clean will also keep it smelling as nice as possible.

Keep it Dry
Keeping an area dry will keep mould at bay.
During humid the times of year, your best bet is to use a dehumidifier and air conditioner to dry the air.
If you do find mould starting to appear, treat it straight away. You can do this by cleaning it with a solution of water and white vinegar and making sure the area is dry.

Take care of the apartment
Make sure that you take responsibility for anything damage, even by accident, and repair it. Rectify any damage you or your family cause and keep the receipts. You may want to let the landlord know what has been done.
It is also a good idea to make sure that the air conditioners are serviced once a year and the filters cleaned regularly.
Making sure that the windows get cleaned once a year on the outside is a good idea as it brightens up the apartment and lets in the light.
Pay your bills
Make sure that you pay your bills on time and pay the final bills before check out. If you don’t, the cost will be deducted from your deposit and you could face problems with the utility companies. This may also delay the security deposit refund process.

Giving notice
If you are intending to vacate the property, ensure that you give the landlord the appropriate notice which, under Macau Law, is 90 days. Also, do check your contract for any requirements.
Do not be tempted to use your deposit to pay the final months rent as this is in contravention of Macau law, and you will end up owing money to the landlord who is entitled to ask for late payment charges up to 100% of the rental amount.
Once you have given notice, your agent or landlord will arrange a check out and inspection with you and return the appropriate amount of the security deposit.
If you would like to know more about Tenancy Administration, please feel free to contact us at the e mail address below.

Juliet Risdon is a Director of JML Property and a property investor.
Having been established in 1994, JML Property offers Investment Property & Homes. It specializes in managing properties for owners and investors, and providing attractive and comfortable homes for tenants.

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