Real Estate Matters | How wall colours can affect your psychology

Sam Lee

The colour of the walls in a property can have a big impact on how you resonate emotionally with a room. Each colour can be a unique representation of your personality and induce particular feelings, emotions and even thoughts.

Perhaps you’ve seen an old and tired property suddenly come to ‘life’ and feel much ‘brighter’ after a simple lick of paint was applied throughout. Or maybe you’ve walked into a room with cool coloured walls like ocean blue and felt yourself relax. 

Although our reactions to colour can be subjective, certain colours tend to get a similar reaction from most people according to variations in the shades and tones used. So, what colour should your walls be? Here are some general guidelines for popular wall colours:

Red: Red is the most intense and exciting colour. It is a great colour for the dining room to create energy and stimulate conversation. Or it can be used to create a strong first impression in an entryway.

Yellow: Yellow is best used in moderation, and not as the most dominant colour in the room. It has a great dynamic with sunlight, and can be used to great effect in a kitchen or bathroom with good natural light.

Blue: Blue is considered a calming and relaxing colour, and is often recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms. Different shades of blue can have different effects and it is recommended to balance out cooler shades of blue with warmer or at least neutral colours to avoid making the space feel too ‘chilly’.

Black: A touch of black can have a strong emotional impact. Black is often seen to represent elegance, mystery and power. Too much black can be depressing however so it is best used as an accent to the room.

Fortunately, a lick of paint never cost anybody a fortune, and it isn’t too difficult to repaint a wall if you don’t like the colour after a while so you can afford to experiment a little.

You can also be flexible and play with combinations of different colours depending on the purpose of the space. Since wallpapers are not often used in Macau due to humidity and mold issues, maybe it is not a bad idea to consider repainting your walls and giving your home a new feeling for the approaching summer!

Sam Lee is a marketing manager and property consultant at JML Property.

JML was established in 1994 and offers Investment Property & Homes. It specializes in managing properties for owners and investors, and providing attractive and comfortable homes for tenants.

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