SSM: Macau has 368 lactation rooms

The city has 368 lactation rooms, with 249 in government offices, 52 in non-profit organizations and 67 in private companies, the Health Bureau (SSM) has announced.

“To encourage all sectors of society to support breastfeeding, the Health Bureau has carried out a series of works, including the formulation and launch of the guidelines for breastfeeding room equipment and management standards in 2016, providing guidance for public and private institutions to set up and manage breastfeeding rooms,” the SSM said.

Information about breastfeeding and lactation rooms is also regularly announced on the SSM’s cellphone app and website. Talks and seminars to promote breastfeeding have also been held to encourage support, the SSM added.

A special SSM taskforce exists to “actively encourage and assist public and private entities to establish and improve lactation rooms, and to respond to the calls of the world alliance for breastfeeding action by organizing breastfeeding acclamation ceremonies.” At these ceremonies, certificates of recognition are awarded to operators of breastfeeding-friendly workplaces.

“The SAR government continues to encourage private enterprise to create breastfeeding-friendly places by means of encouragement, guidance and commendation, so that women can benefit from appropriate breastfeeding spaces,” the SSM boasted.

It also said the government had established a cross-departmental taskforce to formulate policies to help women’s status in the city. The taskforce comprises 11 governmental entities. AL

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