Zone A

Survey reveals weak promotion of New Neighbourhood

Weak intention to buy Macau New Neighbourhood (MNN) units was due to inadequate promotion and advertising on the project, a survey run by the Macau Association of Jiangmen Youths has found.

The group has recently released the findings of their survey, conducted over an undisclosed period. The survey consisted of a questionnaire and elite interviews. The questionnaire garnered 664 valid responses and the elite interviews were conducted with local lawmakers, heads of associations and school leaders.

The questionnaire focused on both local and non-local residents, with over 90% of respondents falling within an age range between 18 and 45 years. Over 70% of the valid responses came from the working population.

The group added that it had incorporated the knowledge, attitudes/beliefs, practice (KAP) model and the push-and-pull theory into the respective designs of the questionnaire and interview outline.

Only 12.2% of respondents were familiar with the living conditions at the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, while only 25% overall felt that the MNN project had been adequately promoted.

New Neighbourhood is primarily a mixed-used residential area developed by the Macau Urban Renewal Ltd., a government-owned private company.

Both questionnaire and elite interview results identified that property prices and transportation in Hengqin and the MNN were the primary concerns of respondents. Some interviewees suggested the implementation of a lease-purchase model in the MNN to enable more local youths to become apartment owners.

In addition to the insufficient promotion of the Zone and MNN project, the survey results also concluded that the nature of the MNN project should be clarified to provide guidance on the correct approach to apartment purchases. Timely implementation of supportive policies was also recommended to help local youths in purchasing these apartments.

The group also recommend that the government explore public-private co-ownership of MNN apartments to ensure that the apartments are held for residential rather than  investment purposes.

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