Tea Leaks by Talkers

   tbt0508-1The Queen’s election day

The Queen of England and heirs to the throne, now including Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, cannot vote in the parliamentary elections and it’s not because it’s the House of Commons… It’s a constitutional prohibition. But Talkers discovered that Elizabeth II, Charles and even Charlotte Elizabeth Diana can participate in “another vote of national importance taking place [yesterday] – a poll to choose Britain’s national bird.” According to our friends at The Guardian, the ‘election’ closed at midnight GMT and by 2pm yesterday, 116,000 people had already cast their vote. “So will the Puffin take it? Or perhaps the Hen Harrier? Or perhaps there will be an unprecedented coalition between the Blue Tit and the Red Robin?” Talkers voted for the peacock.

tbt0508-2We hate the peg

Can you believe it? Just when this Talker was about to buy a ticket to the shores of the Blue Atlantic, long days (and nights!), vrrrum the “fiber” graphic shot up like a shooting star in a matter of days. Now the euro is more expensive and our holidays are going to be lacking. Less booze, less seafood, less miles, less fun. Do you know whose fault this is? The TNRs. I’m sure.

tbt0508-3Lawyers raise the bar

Leak in! Retired judge Manuel Mendes – who served here at the first instance court and was adviser to the Commissioner Against Corruption in the 1990s – is now back in town, but practicing as barrister, and has been since February 10. Sources told Talkers that he’s working for the top lawyer Neto Valente and has his office at…the Lawyers Association. As gossip has it, no wonder the barristers association’s expenses with staff grew exponentially this year from 1.4 to  2 million euros, sorry, patacas.

tbt0508-4Some wedding

Talkers is desperately checking the mailbox for the invite to the Wedding of The Century: May 21, at Clube Militar. Hey, of course it’s gonna be something frugal – for Heaven’s sake. Drinks and canapés only. The groom is a well-known…Talker. The Godfather is a renowned public figure. Figure it out yet? Talkers will give you a hint: the bride and groom are a power couple. (Our address: Talkers, PO Box 666, Hell Dorado.)

In Others’ Words

I take my hat off to Manny Pacquiao. I see now why he is at the pinnacle of boxing.


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