Telecoms | CTM unveils Macau-HK roaming plan, reports revenue up 6.3 percent

CTM_media_lunch_2Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau (CTM) held a press lunch yesterday to notify the media of its upcoming products and services as well as of the progress made to the company’s infrastructure to improve coverage within Macau.
In cooperation with Hong Kong-based mobile communication firm, CSL, CTM launched a new package last week that is available to contract customers, which will allow users to exchange network data without having to pay additional roaming charges.
The company says that the plan, entitled “City Link”, is the first roaming share plan introduced in Asia. Though its scope is currently limited to Hong Kong, there are plans to expand the service to other cities, including those in mainland China.
CTM reported their business performance for the year of 2015, including their advances toward accomplishing their vision of a “Digital Macau”. Revenue for last year amounted to MOP5.18 billion, while profits totaled MOP1.15 billion. The growth in revenue of 6.3 percent stemmed primarily from business solutions, internet, mobile and leased line services.
Additionally, more than MOP693 million was invested in infrastructure projects last year, representing an increase of 33 percent over 2014, and marking the highest investment undertaking in CTM’s history.
This investment was used to achieve 100 percent fiber network coverage throughout Macau, expand the number of Wi-Fi hotspots on the public transportation system, and make progress in the launch of their 4G services. These represent only a few of the company’s long-­term plans.
Vandy Poon, the Chief Executive Officer of CTM, said that although the company is focusing its investments on installing the 4G network, it remains “committed to continuing to provide the 3G service and increasing the speed of those individuals on these networks without them having to ask for it.”
Representatives of the company added that CTM reduced the charges for local mobile extra data twice last year, with a cumulative total reduction of as much as 97 percent in some cases.
The meeting yesterday also unveiled a new range of products and services. Among the products were a 360-degree camera and a virtual reality headset designed to heighten entertainment experiences. In terms of services, the company is developing  an e-commerce network, “MacauGoodHands”, which is expected to launch in either May or June.
The network will showcase Macau products, and in its initial stage will act as a platform for local commerce. With the assistance of the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, CTM plans to use the platform to market local products to Portuguese-speaking countries and, later, “selected regions” in the Greater China area. Daniel Beitler

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