Tourism | New ‘Cultural and Creative Map’ launched

3-_ic0612092016The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) has released a new edition of the Macau Cultural and Creative Map (CCM Map), which introduces 49 local cultural and creative entities, as well as information about Macau’s World Heritage sites, museums, and performance venues, among others. The traditional Chinese and English versions have been released first, followed by the simplified Chinese and Portuguese versions. According to the IC, the number of “Tour Routes for the Experience of Culture and Creativity” included in the new edition of the CCM Map has increased from four to six, with the Ruins of St. Paul’s and the Senado Square as starting points.
The map is illustrated by local artist Chan Wai Lam, who takes Macau’s seven parishes as its frame theme in order to elaborate the features of each cultural and creative space, World Heritage site and performance venue, as well as Macau’s festivals and customs.
The new map will be distributed at all immigration checkpoints, museums, hotels, travel agencies and cultural and creative spaces. A CCM Map mobile app has also been released. The CCM map was first launched by the IC in 2014.

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