World Briefs

CHINA’s Foreign Ministry said yesterday that the Indonesian navy opened fire at a Chinese fishing boat in the South China Sea, injuring a fisherman and detaining its seven-man crew. The statement posted on the ministry’s website was in response to reports that Indonesia’s navy said that it had intercepted and detained a Chinese vessel and its seven crew members for illegally fishing in Indonesian waters.

South Korea Plane Crash

SOUTH KOREA A civilian light plane crashed in southern South Korea on Friday, killing all three people on board, officials said. The plane went down in a farming field in Muan, about 390 kilometers south of Seoul, according to Ji Man Seok, an official at the Ministry of Public Safety and Security. Ji said the cause of the incident wasn’t immediately known but that the plane was believed to have been on a training flight.

INDONESIA At least 35 people have been killed by landslides and floods on Indonesia’s Java island and many others are missing. Dozens of houses were buried in the landslides and thousands of homes were inundated by floods in 16 districts and towns in Central Java province over the weekend.

Bhumibol Adulyadej

THAILAND’s Royal Palace has announced that doctors have drained excess fluid that was putting pressure on the brain of 88-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
A statement from the palace, reported yesterday in Thai media, said the doctors were satisfied with the results of the procedure, which was carried out Saturday night.

RUSSIA At least 11 children and their adult instructor have died in a storm while boating in a lake in Russia’s northwestern region of Karelia. Vladimir Markin, a spokesman for the nation’s main state investigative agency, said several boats with children overturned Saturday in a storm in Syamozero, 120 kilometers east of the border with Finland.

BRAZILIAN police say armed men stormed a Rio de Janeiro hospital to free a suspected drug trafficker, sparking a shootout with officers. A patient was killed, and a nurse and an off-duty policeman were wounded.

USA Authorities have been searching the home of a Pennsylvania man accused of sexually assaulting a teenager whose parents police say gave her to him when she was 14 because he helped them financially. She was one of a dozen girls living in the residence.

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