10-year elderly services plan achieves 97% implementation rate

The Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) announced that by the end of August, the 10-Year Action Plan for Elderly Services had successfully executed 345 short- and medium-term initiatives and commenced 85 long-term initiatives, resulting in an impressive overall implementation rate of 96.6%.

During a plenary meeting, the Elderly Affairs Committee reviewed the progress of the elderly apartment project and its occupancy plans. As of September 5, around 910 applications had completed the unit selection process, with approximately 470 for single-person units and the rest for double-person units.

The bureau is currently focused on finalizing usage agreements and other follow-up tasks. The first phase, comprising 759 units, is expected to be ready for applicants by October, with associated facilities anticipated to be operational within the year.

Ao Ieong U, chairman of the committee and Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, highlighted the necessity of addressing the challenges posed by an aging population.

The official emphasized that this involves not only expanding residential options for the elderly but also improving community care services.LV

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