Gov’t accuses US of militarizing space following protest over Navy plane’s Taiwan Strait transit

A mid a freeze in military-to-military contacts, China is accusing the United States of militarizing outer space, a day after it protested the passage of a U.S.

Pope recognizes China’s unilateral appointment of Shanghai bishop

Pope Francis gave in Saturday to China’s unilateral appointment of a new bishop in Shanghai, formally recognizing Beijing’s installation of Bishop Shen Bin three months

Crowds cheer as India launches a lander and rover to explore the moon’s south

An Indian spacecraft blazed its way toward the far side of the moon Friday in a follow-up mission to its failed effort nearly four years ago

7 bodies pulled from flooded road tunnel as rains cause flash floods and landslides

South Korean rescue workers pulled seven bodies from a flooded tunnel where around 15 vehicles were trapped in muddy water, as days of heavy rain triggered

South Korea to expand support for Ukraine as President Yoon Suk Yeol makes a surprise visit

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol made a surprise visit to Ukraine on Saturday, offering support for the invaded country in its war with Russia while demonstrating

1987 Ex-Guinness boss owes millions

Former Guinness director Thomas Ward has been ordered to repay £5.2m to the brewing giants. The High Court heard Mr Ward had acted illegally by

Gambling revenue up nearly 14%, but most casinos still trail pre-pandemic levels

New Jersey’s casinos, horse tracks that take sports bets, and the online partners of both those types of gambling won more than $457 million in

LGBTQ+ community voices anxiety over Hungary’s restrictive laws

Thousands of participants of the Budapest Pride march wound through the streets of the Hungarian capital on Saturday with marchers voicing their anxiety over the  The 28th annual event

Why Yellen’s visit to China wins recognition from both countries

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently concluded her visit to China, summarizing conversations during the four-day trip as “direct, substantive, and productive.” The Chinese side also described the

Monday, July 17, 2023 – edition no. 4288

— Macau recorded 12 million visitors during the first half of this year; Airport saw close to two million passengers * Talim | Retailers brace for storm, rain expected all week *

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