After confronting their Nazi past, Germans not immune to nationalism

When Sabine Thonke joined a recent demonstration in Berlin against Germany’s far-right party, it was the first time in years she felt hopeful that the growing

F1 needs to take control of the Red Bull drama as Horner accuser files FIA complaint

If Christian Horner had his way, this messy saga over an allegation of misconduct made against him by an employee would be forgotten by now. He

Gangs unleash new attacks on upscale areas in Port-Au-Prince, 12 killed

Gangs attacked two upscale neighborhoods in Haiti’s capital yesterday in a rampage that left at least a dozen people dead in surrounding areas. Gunmen

Sex trade to slavery: a UN agency says criminals reap $236B a year in profits

Illegal profits from forced labor worldwide have risen to the “obscene” amount of $236 billion per year, the U.N. labor agency reported yesterday, with sexual exploitation to blame

Israel should  negotiate in good faith

The fierce international criticism of the civilian losses caused by its military campaign in Gaza, the looming uncertainties with the approach of US presidential election, as well as

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 – edition no. 4448

— Macau will host the ITTF Singles World Cup for the first time, puting the city on the map of world sports, organizers say, in addition to the growing portfolio

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