North Korea’s trash rains down onto South Korea, balloon by balloon. Here’s what it means

Manure. Cigarette butts. Scraps of cloth. Waste batteries. Even, reportedly, diapers. This week, North Korea floated hundreds of huge balloons to dump all of that trash across

Colombo and Moscow discuss the issue of Sri Lankans fighting alongside Russians in Ukraine

Sri Lanka and Russia started talks yesterday to resolve the issue of Sri Lankans fighting alongside Russians in the war against Ukraine, after at least

Lab-grown meat banned in some states, even before hitting shelves

Lab-grown meat is not currently available in any U.S. grocery stores or restaurants. If some lawmakers have their way, it never will be. Earlier this month,

1998 Ginger leaves the Spice Girls

Geri Halliwell, aka Ginger Spice, has left the chart-topping Spice Girls band. The announcement follows days of increasingly feverish speculation, after Geri - the driving force

This is her, now, in space: J.Lo heads to a new galaxy for AI love story in ‘Atlas’

Let’s all be clear, if we weren’t already, that when it comes to Jennifer Lopez, it’s about the love story. Always the love story. J.Lo the

RM of BTS has a new solo album, an elastic experiment

All seven members of BTS are currently serving South Korea’s compulsory enlistment for men of a certain age — and in what should feel like an absence, the

Seasonal endeavours 

At Simon Rogan’s chef’s table restaurant Aulis Hong Kong, the team is proud to introduce a new and much valued Saturday Lunch Menu and Seasonal Dinner Menu. The Saturday Lunch Menu features

Ship attacked by Yemen’s Houthi rebels was full of grain bound for Iran

A Greek-owned, Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier that came under attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels earlier this week had a cargo of grain bound for Iran, the group’s main

Stuck at sea for years, a sailor’s plight highlights a surge in shipowner abandonment

Abdul Nasser Saleh says he rarely got a good night’s sleep during the near-decade he spent working without pay on a cargo ship abandoned by its owner at

All homes grow old. China will get used to it

Chinese love new apartment buildings, my real estate agent told me last year as I was looking to buy property in Hong Kong. Seeing herself as an investment

Friday, May 31, 2024 – edition no. 4494

— Cape Verde gov’t to reclaim assets from Macau Legend as gaming concessions halt * Film | Oscar nominees head to Macau for Netflix shoot * Taste of Edesia * Goldstein calls smart

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