1956 Egypt seizes Suez Canal

Egypt’s president, Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser, has announced the nationalisation of the Suez Canal Company to provide funding for the construction of the Aswan High Dam. The

1978 First ‘test tube baby’ born

The birth of the world’s first “test tube baby” has been announced in Manchester. Louise Brown was born shortly before midnight in Oldham and District General

1974 Nixon ‘must hand over Watergate tapes’

The United States Supreme Court has ordered President Nixon to surrender tape recordings of White House conversations about the Watergate affair. Giving the judgement to a

1995 British forces sent to Sarajevo

Britain has sent 1,200 troops to relieve the besieged Bosnian capital, Sarajevo. Bosnian Serbs have controlled access to Sarajevo for three years, killing dozens of people along

1996 ‘War criminal’ Karadzic resigns

He was ordered to step down by the Yugolsav President, Slobodan Milosevic, after marathon talks with the United States special envoy, Richard Holbrooke. Mr Karadzic is currently

2003 Missing Iraq expert – body found

A body believed to be that of government scientist Dr David Kelly has been found in woodland not far from his Oxfordshire home. The discovery was made

1976 African countries boycott Olympics

The opening ceremony of the 21st Olympic Games in Montreal has been marred by the withdrawal of 25 African countries. They are all protesting at New Zealand’s

1969 Apollo 11 takes off for the Moon

An estimated one million people gathered from all over the state to see the giant Saturn 5 booster rocket blast off. The launch was on schedule, at

1997 Versace murdered on his doorstep

Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace has been shot dead on the steps of his Miami mansion. The incident happened shortly before 0900 local time (1400 GMT) as

1990 Yeltsin resignation splits Soviet Communists

The populist politician and president of the Russian parliament, Boris Yeltsin, has resigned from the Soviet Communist Party. The resignation has also led to a declaration from

2000 Britain pioneers HIV vaccine

The World Aids Conference in South Africa has announced trials for a new HIV vaccine will begin in Britain. Liberal Democrat MP Evan Harris will be one

1943 Western Allies invade Sicily

The armed forces of Britain, the United States and Canada have landed on the Mediterranean island of Sicily. It is the first major landing of British troops

2001 Scientists discover why we are here

A Californian University has thrown more light on why the Big Bang works after nearly 40 years of world-wide research. Most scientists accept that the universe

2003 Conjoined twins die in separation op

Conjoined Iranian twins who volunteered to go ahead with a major operation to separate them have both died during surgery. Laleh and Ladan Bijani suffered a

1991 International bank closed in fraud scandal

The Bank of England has closed down UK branches of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) over allegations of fraud. The bank’s 120,000 UK customers

1995 Major wins Conservative leadership

The Prime Minister, John Major, has won his battle to remain leader of the Conservative Party. Mr Major received backing from 218 of the party’s MPs in the leadership

1988 US warship shoots down Iranian airliner

An American naval warship patrolling in the Persian Gulf has shot down an Iranian passenger jet after apparently mistaking it for an F-14 fighter. All those

1964: President Johnson signs Civil Rights Bill

The Civil Rights Bill - one of the most important piece of legislation in American history - has become law. US President Lyndon B Johnson signed the bill

1997 Hong Kong handed over to Chinese control

Hong Kong has been handed back to the Chinese authorities - ending more than 150 years of British control. The British flag was lowered over Government House

2004 US transfers power back to Iraq

The United States has handed power back to the Iraqi people at a low-key ceremony in Baghdad. US administrator Paul Bremer transferred sovereignty to an Iraqi judge

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