German police shot a man allegedly threatening them with an ax in host city Hamburg

German police said yesterday they shot and wounded a man who was threatening them with an ax and a Molotov cocktail in the northern city of

Israel’s army pauses daytime fighting along a route in southern Gaza to help ramp up aid

Israel’s military announced yesterday that it would pause fighting throughout daytime hours along a route in southern Gaza to free up a backlog of humanitarian aid

Canberra taking steps in the right direction

Premier Li Qiang’s ongoing visit to Australia, which started on Saturday following his successful visit to New Zealand, looks set to further strengthen Beijing and the Anthony Albanese

Monday, June 17, 2024 – edition no. 4503

— Repayment loans for local SMEs grappling with challenges amid uneven economic recovery will be extended, yet associations lament the measure only provides short-term relief * Gaming | MGM explores potential

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