Policy Address 2024 | Transport & Public Works

700 taxis may be insufficient, Secretary admits

The Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Raimundo do Rosário, discussed at yesterday’s Legislative Assembly (AL) the difficulty of catching a taxi and the fact that the government has launched a new tender for up to 500 operating permits.

Responding to lawmaker Ella Lei, Rosário said the 500 new taxis that might become operational over the eight years may not meet demand.

“You ask me if the 500 taxis will be enough. Well, I think maybe not, and maybe not even some additional 700 [taxis] would be enough,” Rosário said.

“But with 500 more taxis we can improve and meet the public’s needs. We need to do this work step-by-step and according to the situation. We cannot suddenly exponentially increase the number of taxis from one day to another. It does not work that way.”

Rosário said that a year ago, the number of taxis operating was “way too much” for the needs at that time. He said the matter needs to be managed reasonably and progressively.

He also said it is necessary to see how the market reacts and how many drivers are effectively operational or how many new people are interested in this job.

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