Lawmakers urge new cabinet to address region’s most pressing issues

General Economy Images Ahead Of CPI DataLawmakers have urged Chui Sai On’s new cabinet to address Macau’s most pressing issues, such as transportation and housing, as well as casino revenue decline. Although confident in the new government’s abilities, some legislators worry that Macau has too many challenges to deal with.
Delivering a spoken enquiry during Friday’s Legislative Assembly plenary meeting, lawmaker Ho Ion Sang recalled that in recent years Macau’s government has failed to solve matters in timely and appropriate ways, which has affected the administration’s credibility.  “The new cabinet will be facing many challenges, mostly regarding housing, traffic, health, human resources, and the prices of goods,” he said.
He urged the government to find timely solutions to address the decline of gaming revenue, as well as “weak results on its efforts to diversify the economy.” The impact of the Hengqin border operating around the clock and the implementation of administrative reform were some of other matters he believed the new cabinet should consider first. The legislator added that the authority should continue launching public consultations to find solutions for societal problems.
Lawmaker Sio Chi Wai believes that the new cabinet should find alternative solutions to deal with consecutive gaming revenue drop. “Due to a downward trend of gaming revenue, the government should ponder adjusting expenses while taking into consideration the impact of this decline in its financial reserves. In an environment dominated by the gaming sector, it should work toward boosting the development of a diversified economy,” he stated.
Mr Sio also said that Macau enterprises should introduce new technologies and improve their management services. He added that companies cannot only eye profits, but must also take clients’ needs into consideration.
Lawmaker Kwan Tsui Hang urged the new cabinet “to better serve Macau’s population” in the coming five years, launching more public consultations so that the people of Macau are able to share their concerns and voice demands.
“Due to low administrative efficiency and the issue of public services, which only address matters of their concern, I hope the new government can reinforce coordination and cooperation between its different services and secretariats (…) hence, creating a competent working team,” she stressed.
Song Pek Kei also called on the government to implement administrative reform, and to perfect government action. Ms Song believes that the new cabinet should restructure public bodies, since there are overlapping services being provided by different departments. Furthermore, she recalled that public servants’ wages would be increased next year, but society has yet to witness improvement to the efficiency of public service.
The lawmaker declared that simplifying procedures and perfecting competences, while also improving efficiency, is crucial. She recalled that the MSAR’s government is comprised of many departments, but due to the lack of synergy and the complexity of certain matters, they have not always achieved good results.
She urged the authority to simplify procedures, providing each department with the necessary resources to perform their duties.
Lawmakers also showed particular concern over the Secretariat for Transport and Public Works, which is now headed by Raimundo do Rosario. Chan Meng Kam raised strong criticism over Macau’s public transportation system, stressing that there’s a lack of efficient measures to improve the city’s chaotic traffic situation. He urged the government to amend public bus operators’ concession contracts, and to introduce “a mechanism to ensure real competition and avoid having to pay operators’ expenses.”
The Legislative Assembly approved a deliberation from the 2nd Standing Committee on Friday regarding the report on the budget execution for 2013. Nevertheless, lawmakers criticized delays on major public works and consequent budget overrun.

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