Three more Covid-19 patients recover in Macau

Two more patients have been discharged from the Conde São Januário Hospital (CHCSJ), Lo Iek Long, medical director of the hospital announced at yesterday’s daily press conference, while a third resident has also recovered but is not yet discharged from the hospital.
Similar to the patients who previously recovered, the two local residents have been transferred to the Public Health Clinical Center on Coloane Alto for a recovery quarantine period of 14 days.
Both of them have been hospitalized for 18 days. They have so far had the shortest recovery time out of all Covid-19 cases in Macau.
One of the patients returned from studying in Portugal. He set off from Lisbon on March 13, stopping in transit at Dubai and Hong Kong and arriving in Macau on March 15.
Two days later, he developed a fever and headache while self-isolating at home. For the next two consecutive days, he took two Covid-19 tests but received negative results. On his third test on March 28, he was confirmed to be positive. He was then admitted to hospital with pneumonia.
He was discharged from CHCSJ yesterday after three separate Covid-19 tests on April 7, 9 and 11.
The other recovered patient returned from studying in the U.K. Between March 2 and 13, he conducted an internship at a hospital in London and stated to the Macau health authority that he had been in contact with a Covid-19 patient in the British capital.
He set off from London on March 26 and arrived in Macau on March 27. Upon entry to Macau, it was detected that he had a fever and he was sent to the government hospital. His infection was confirmed the next day, with pneumonia in both of his lungs.
After three separate tests conducted on April 8, 10 and 13, his recovery was confirmed and he was discharged from the hospital.
The city’s youngest Covid-19 patient, a 9-year-old girl, has also recovered from the disease. Due to her young age, she will not be discharged until her 43-year-old father, who is currently in treatment as the city’s 34th case, also recovers. AL

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