AL committee studies security forces compensation bill

Following its unanimous passage in general terms last month, the amendment bill on the compensation for security forces is now being studied by the First Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly (AL), the law-passing body of the city.
After a meeting session, the head of the Committee, lawmaker Ho Ion Sang, disclosed that certain committee members expressed concerns about the proposal that “additional or supplementary compensation is calculated by dividing the total monthly work hours of a particular month, of which the result is then multiplied by five working days.”
In addition, the Committee head pointed out that the formula may cause unfairness as some officers work five days a week, while others work six. Ho worries that the formula may not be able to reflect the workplace realities.
On top of that, the Committee is curious about whether the administrative branch has a means of authenticating officers’ clock-in and clock-out records.
It is also proposed, contrary to the first draft of the amendment, that the amount of compensation is to be deemed by Chief Executive Order. AL

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