Chui Sai On said that he supported the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Raimundo do Rosario, in appointing Li Canfeng as the new director of the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau. He said that the appointment of any officials is based on their academic qualifications and work experience. The conduct of candidates is also examined.
The CE also refused to comment on Li’s testimony during the trial of the former Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Ao Man Long, or Li’s nickname of “director amnesia”.
In addition, Chui Sai On conceded that there has been inadequacy in the government, particularly when handling the case of a one-year-old child who was denied entry to Macau because of alleged security reasons. According to Lusa news agency, the baby had the same name of one of the blacklisted individuals from Hong Kong, who are barred from entering the region.
“We have publicly admitted [the problem] and a review must be carried out […] We are really sorry that this mistake has occurred,” Chui expressed.
CE continues to defend Li Canfeng’s appointment
it takes a monkey to conclude that a baby would be in the blacklist…