Construction of secondary school in Hengqin in full swing

The construction of the secondary school at the Macau New Neighbourhood (MNN) in Hengqin, is in full swing as of 27 May, the Macau Urban Renewal Limited announced in a press statement.

The secondary school will feature an outdoor sports field, sports hall, canteen, multi-purpose classrooms, car parking area for teaching staff, among others.

Project completion is expected to be in 2026 and will be handed over for operations, completing the basic education facilities that MNN has to offer.

The secondary school has an area of about 20,000 square metres, with a gross floor area of 28,000 square metres. It will be a five-storey building that, under preliminary plans, will have 36 classes with a capacity of about 1,200 pupils.

The MNN project has a plot ratio of 2.17 and a greenery coverage of over 35%.

Decoration works are being carried out at the shops in the neighbourhood, which will gradually open from July. The types of shops range from a supermarket, food and beverage, and retail shops among others. LV

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