
Macau Bridge expected to be ready for traffic in Q3

The construction of the city’s fourth bridge, Macau Bridge, is nearing completion, with the overall project essentially finalized and subsequent commissioning, acceptance, and handover work proceeding as projected.

The bridge is expected to be ready for traffic in the third quarter of this year.

Once the bridge is open, it will effectively alleviate the traffic pressure on the three existing bridges, improving the traffic capacity between the Macau Peninsula and the islands of Taipa and Coloane.

The new bridge will also support the transportation needs of the ongoing development of Zone A in the new landfills.

The construction process has faced some challenges, with the region experiencing an unusually high number of rainstorms from April to June this year.

Yellow, red, and black rainstorm warning signals were issued for a total of 20 days, 30% more than the same period last year. These frequent downpours presented obstacles for the outdoor construction work.

Despite the inclement weather, the construction team worked tirelessly, completing the 117,000 square meters of asphalt paving on the bridge deck in 102 days, two days ahead of the original 105-day schedule.

The bridge’s protection facilities under the structure are in the final stage and are expected to be completed in July, with the temporary construction platform and trestle to be dismantled immediately thereafter. VC

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