
Portuguese doctor recruitment down to two candidates

The SAR’s efforts to recruit Portuguese doctors to Macau have seen limited success, with only two specialists still in talks to make the move, according to the director of the Health Bureau.

Alvis Lo confirmed the recruitment drive is now focused on finalizing paperwork for two doctors who meet qualification standards.

Originally, 12 specialists from Portugal applied but only two candidates’ resumes aligned with the Hospital Centre S. Januario’s needs and legal prerequisites, said Lo.

Some applicants withdrew after assessing Macau’s circumstances, Lo said, with personal reasons or broader considerations deterring their relocation. When asked about specific applicant withdrawals, Lo stated each had private motivations and did not provide detailed explanations.

While recruitment fell short of its target, Lo indicated qualified candidates deemed not suitable for the current openings may still help boost Macau’s healthcare workforce.

With their consent, these applicants’ information was forwarded to the Macau Union Hospital for review against developing department requirements.

“We have adopted a multi-channel approach,” said Lo, “as we are hoping to expand our medical team.”

Four Macau residents currently working in Portugal also meet S. Januario’s needs, according to Lo, and may join through a legal hiring process.

As the Portuguese doctor drive concludes with just two specialists, alternative sourcing looks to fill gaps in specialist medical staffing. VC

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